What Is A Credit Union

What Is A Credit Union?

Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that exist to serve their members. Like banks, credit unions accept deposits, make loans and provide a wide array of other financial services. But as member-owned and cooperative institutions, credit unions provide a safe place to save and borrow at reasonable rates.

Member Owned:

You are more than a member, you are part owner. Credit unions are owned and controlled by the people, or members, who use their services. Your vote counts. A volunteer board of directors is elected by members to manage a credit union.


Credit unions operate to promote the well-being of their members. Profits made by credit unions are returned back to members in the form of reduced fees, higher savings rates, and lower loan rates.


Members of a credit union share a common bond, also known as the credit union's "field of membership". You may be able to join. Click here to see our field of membership.

Community Involvement:

Members often have shared interests and appreciate participating in an institution designed to help other members in the community. We typically sponsor community events such as: The Pantex Relays in Fritch, HOPE (which benefits American Cancer Society), College Scholarships, the Hutchinson County Livestock Show, and many more community events.


The cooperative structure of credit unions creates a cycle of mutual assistance towards the common goal of the financial well-being of members. For example, when one member puts money into their savings it becomes another member's loan. That is why you earn interest on your accounts. Don't worry, though, your money is always ready and available for you to use.
